Mid Term 1 Insider
Year 5 Update – Term Highlights So Far!
Year 5 has had a busy and exciting start to the term. In English, students have been learning about characters, settings, and the key elements of narrative writing. In Mathematics, they have explored place value, addition, and subtraction strategies. Science has been filled with hands-on investigations into the properties of light. In HASS, students have been learning about democracy, forming class political parties, and preparing for an upcoming election. Visual Arts has focused on shadow art, with students studying shadow artists and experimenting with materials to create their own works. In Technology, they have explored different types of codes, including Morse code and how computers use coding to communicate. Health lessons have centred on healthy habits, discussing what they are and identifying trusted people students can turn to for help. It has been a fantastic term so far, and we look forward to the learning ahead!
Reminder: Year 5 & 6 Camp at Lake Ainsworth
Thank you to all the parents who have already accepted their child’s invite in Parent Lounge. If you haven’t done so yet, please complete this as soon as possible.
Additionally, could you please ensure you have filled out the Year 5 Google Form and registered your child through the NSW Office of Sport: NSW Sports - Child Details Camp
All camp details and links can be found in the email sent by Mr Stevens. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We look forward to a fantastic camp experience!
Cross Country
Monday 10th March, is the Primary Cross Country Carnival. Please check your emails for details from Mr David Evans regarding race times and distances. Parents are welcome to attend and spectate! We hope to see many of you there! All students are to wear their sports uniform on Monday 10th March.
The Power of 20 Minutes a Day
Research shows that students who read for at least 20 minutes a day significantly improve their reading, writing, comprehension, spelling, and grammar skills. Regular reading not only builds vocabulary and fluency but also strengthens critical thinking and creativity. These benefits extend beyond English—strong literacy skills support learning in all subjects, including Maths, Science, and HASS. Encouraging daily reading helps students develop a lifelong love for learning and gives them the tools to succeed across the curriculum.
NAPLAN is fast approaching this term during weeks 7 and 9. Mr Stevens has emailed information regarding these tests. All tests will be done on the computers so please make sure your child has a mouse and headphones at school. We will be doing some practises and learning how to navigate the program over the next few weeks.
Term 1 Key Dates
Monday 10th March - Cross Country
Weeks 7 and 8 - NAPLAN
Friday 21st March - Harmony Day
Wednesday 2nd April to Friday 4th April - Year 5 & 6 Camp
Friday 4th April - Last day of term 1