To apply for your child's enrolment in the Pre-Prep program at the Early Learning Centre, it is necessary to fill out an application form.
Enrolment offers for our Pre-Prep program are based on:
1. Child's age (turning 4 by June 30 in the year they attend) and;
2. The date we received your enrolment form.
As part of our commitment to the Queensland Government and all children in the year before they attend Prep, we prioritise children who are turning four (4) years old by 30th June in the year they attend Pre-Prep.
Applications for three-year olds may be considered as an early entry enrolment, however, these are subject to a developmental interview and availability of position.
Please click on the "Enrol & Pay Now" button below to start your application for enrolment form.
A non-refundable administration fee of $50.00 is payable to start the application process (you will be taken to the PayPal page). Once payment is made, you will be taken to the application form.
If you have any further questions, we would love to hear from you.